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TGH. Hasanain Juaini Speech in RMAC 1 October 2011

Posted by coolenha in All About eNHa.
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RMAC tu singkatan dari Ramon Magsaysay Award Ceremony, disini Mamik Hasan dapat penghargaan karena dinilai berperan besar menanamkan sikap toleransi kepada masyarakat sekitar pondok pesantren yang diasuhnya. Carmencita Abdella, Ketua Yayasan Magsaysay menyebutkan kalau beliau terpilih karena telah memberdayakan masyarakat di wilayah terpencil untuk memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mendapatkan listrik. Namun, seperti dikutip philstar.com, Beliau mengatakan tujuan utama dari apa yang dilakukannya di Institut Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan yang didirikan pada 1993 lalu, bukan hanya memberi akses masyarakat desa untuk bisa menikmati lisrik.

“Kelistrikan bukan tujuan utama kami. Namun, menggali dan mengembangkan potensi untuk membangun perekonomian pedesaan adalah tujuan utama saya. Listrik menjadi salah satu kunci bagi masyarakat desa untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan,”  jelasnya.

Berikut merupakan pidato beliau di RMAC  yang penulis terjemahkan dalam bahasa tulisan meskipun ada beberapa kata yang ngga bisa ditangkap, maklum aja yach..!

Upon learning that i was selected for the ramon magsaysay award the first respond that came to my min was : oh my god he just wants me to work harder  oh my god i thought i’ve already reached limit of what i could have contributed, but after seeing that other magsaysay’s awardees, previous and present,  had done  much greater work to deserve this honor, i feel my self to be away behind them. The gap could be as far as the distance between the earth and the sky. Again I asked my self, “what could be this be?”, and deep in my mind i sincerely think that the late president Ramon magsaysay through the award that he has inspired to exist wants me to contribute more, following his foot step in his patriotic struggle for the people of the world. I’m deeply impresssed by the methods and the process of light by the foundation in order to identify me as the recifient of this award, when at last the results of the selection were to be officially announced, yet other question emerged, “am I ready to accept this award?”…my gratitude to Allah that i have not reached the point of (ancienity???) – ga bisa ditangkap – to refuse the award, even though i think i didn’t deserve it, by the way i’m thankful for this is a sweet mistake, but i promised that i will work harder to reach the expected level in the future insyaAllah.

Ladies and Gentlemen !

The future from (this new opportunities???) –ga bisa ditangkap –   and requires renewed figure. This award and the program which come with ease has strengthen and energise me to reach my goal. Together let us unite and mutually extend our health to the people of the world, so that in this era of globalization, we will live in a spirit of brotherhood. Within this opportunity, i’m adjoining everyone to set presiden Ramon Magsaysay’s : Deication to the world as our example. To me he is now present and whispering, “If I after my death can still do this noble work, why shouldnt you who are still alive be able to do better”.

To my children in Nurul Haramain, Girls Islamic College school in Narmada, Indonesia as well all of female students in indonesia. In philfine, all of Asia, this award is for all of you, not for me. Please keep struggling and prove to the world that without the contribution of women, the pillars of the world will collapse.

Laies and Gentlemen..!

Beore closing my speech i request for an opportunity to tell you that Indonesia  and philippine are indeed one…indeed one. I hombly admit, that i have fallen in love with the philippines since my childhood. I love Hos Ariza as you look him to, yes I love him. And i associate my self with him even since than have calculated that the distance from my home is 2.631 km from his rest place. With this in mind, our ambition to create great Asia is within our reach. Wake up Asia. Thank you, terimakasih and don’t forget mabuhay.

* mabuhay (tagalog) is the traditional greeting in this wonderful place. It is used to say hello, goodbye, or just a general,  all around friendly greeting…


1. abdullah - 10 March 2012

May the Almighty Allah always keep TGH Hasanain Juaini in his guidance… N protection give him power to spread messages all over the world that Islam is rahmatan lil alamiin

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